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All you want know about Image alt tag ?


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Alt SEO refers to the optimization of image alt text (alternative text) for search engines. Alt text is an attribute added to image tags in HTML that provides a textual description of the image. This description helps search engines understand the content and context of the images on a webpage, which can improve the page’s SEO.

Importance of Alt Text in SEO

  1. Accessibility: Alt text is crucial for making web content accessible to visually impaired users who rely on screen readers to browse the internet. Screen readers use alt text to describe images to users, providing them with a better understanding of the content.
  2. SEO and Image Search: Search engines cannot “see” images but can read the alt text. Properly optimized alt text can help search engines index and understand the content of images, potentially improving the page’s ranking in image search results.
  3. Improved User Experience: If an image fails to load, the alt text will be displayed in its place, providing users with information about what the image is supposed to represent.

Best Practices for Alt Text SEO

  1. Be Descriptive: Clearly describe the content and purpose of the image. For example, instead of using generic text like “image1.jpg,” use “Golden retriever playing in the park.”
  2. Use Keywords Wisely: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into the alt text, but avoid keyword stuffing. The primary goal is to describe the image accurately.
  3. Keep It Concise: Aim for concise descriptions. Typically, a length of 125 characters or fewer is recommended, as screen readers often cut off longer descriptions.
  4. Avoid Redundancy: If the image is purely decorative and does not convey essential information, it may be better to use an empty alt attribute (alt=””) to indicate that the image can be ignored by screen readers.
  5. Context Matters: Ensure that the alt text is relevant to the surrounding content. The description should fit naturally within the context of the page.

Example of Alt Text in HTML


<img src=”golden-retriever-park.jpg” alt=”Golden retriever playing in the park”>

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Keyword Stuffing: Overloading alt text with keywords can be seen as spam and may harm your SEO efforts.
  2. Non-Descriptive Text: Using alt text like “image” or “photo” does not provide useful information to search engines or users.
  3. Ignoring Alt Text: Failing to provide alt text for images can negatively impact accessibility and SEO.


Alt SEO is an important aspect of optimizing web content for both search engines and users. By providing clear, concise, and relevant descriptions of images through alt text, you can enhance the accessibility of your website and improve its visibility in search engine results.


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